Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kitchen Adventures!

Its been awhile since I've posted some pictures of what I've been making in the kitchen. Well, since hubby's not home to cook for, I haven't done much of anything new or exciting. There's no reason not to put something in the crockpot and eat it for a few days, but I just haven't. I've had a lot of pasta and sandwiches that are pretty easy to make for one person. I'm excited to cook for two again! :)

Chili and biscuits with cream cheese

Pasta with marinara sauce topped with ranch dressing and cheese... I know ranch dressing is a weird topping but I loved it!!!

Amazing chicken and noodle creation from the crockpot and green beans (This was the dinner I made when hubby came home for 12 hours between bases)

Turkey sandwich with chips and cheese, yummy lunch!

Scrambled eggs and toast with honey

Hamburger soup, made by my grandma :)

Hubby has already put in a request for my mashed potatoes when he gets home this weekend :)


  1. I love those scoop chips- I make the same thing with them!!!

    ~ Ashley
